
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
O. Carlgren1935Über eine neue Südafrikanische Lucernariide, Depastromorpha africana n. gen. n. sp., nebst Bemerkungen über den Bau und die Systematik dieser Tiergruppe
P. G. Corbin1979The seasonal abundance of four species of Stauromedusae (Coelenterata: Scyphomedusae) at Plymouth
R. Elmhirst1922Notes on Lucernaria quadricornis, Müller, and related species
P. A. Grohmann, Magalhães, M. P., Hirano, Y. M.1999First record of the order Stauromedusae (Cnidaria, Scyphozoa) from the tropical southwestern Atlantic, with a review of the distribution of Stauromedusae in the Southern Hemisphere
Y. M. Hirano1986Species of stauromedusae from Hokkaido, with notes on their metamorphosis
H. James-Clark1863Prodromus of the history, structure, and physiology of the order Lucernariae
P. L. Kramp1961Synopsis of the Medusae of the World
D. V. Naumov1961Scyphomedusae of the seas of the USSR (in Russian)
T. Okubo1917Preliminary note on a new genus of Stauromedusae from Hokkaido
J. Stephens1912Clare Island Survey. 58. Coelenterata
T. Uchida1929Studies on the Stauromedusae and Cubomedusae, with special reference to their metamorphosis
T. Uchida, Hanaoka K. - I.1934Anatomy of two stalked medusae with remarks on the distribution of the Stauromedusae in Japan
W. Wietrzykowski1912Recherches sur le développement des Lucernaires
C. J. Zagal, Hirano, Y. M., Mills, C. E., Edgar, G. J., Barrett, N. S.In PressNew Records of Staurozoa from Australian coastal waters, with a description of a new species of Lucernariopsis Uchida, 1929 (Cnidaria, Staurozoa, Stauromedusae) and a key to Australian Stauromedusae
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith